Blue Guitar Press presents The Transformations, A Tale of Modern Sin

That meme or pop-up or spam - it's everywhere on the internet - urging men to enlarge a certain body part - but really - who or what kind of man or boy would buy into that nonsense?

The narrator of "The Transformations," for one. He applies Onan's Enlarging Ointment to himself and promptly turns into a donkey.

Our foolish narrator is then raked across a pile of intriguing and entertaining encounters including lockdown at the zoo, bizarre sex, friendship with a drunken elephant, eco-terrorism, semi-slavery by pious religious communards, sea voyages, depraved tourists, drug pirates and other magically or demonically inspired bi-peds. The novel is an obvious homage to Apuleius' "the Golden Ass" while offering a modern, magical realist story of imagination in vivacious and witty prose.

Blue Guitar Press invites you to enjoy Dex Quire's world of wonders and transformations.

"I really liked your modern version of The Golden Ass."

-from the author's personal correspondence with a great novelist living in Glasgow;

"[Looks to be] better than an in-flight's about time [Apuleius] got his due."

-from the author's personal correspondence with a wonderful novelist living in the Pacific Northwest;

"Apuleius updated; very entertaining!"

- Online compliment from renowned classics professor, J.J. O'Donnell